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The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society | 香港觀鳥會 hasn't added a story.
讓瀕危雀鳥不再瀕危, 立刻捐助成為「瀕友仔」,一同守護更多瀕危雀鳥!
我們亦 歡迎個人及團體 登記成為義工,所有完成活動的義工將獲贈義工證書及紀念品一份。
Together Safeguarding Endangered Birds
Hong Kong, despite its small size, is home to diverse habitats
for many globally endangered bird species. Among the recorded 578
species of birds in Hong Kong, 66 species are listed as threatened
according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN)’s Red List of Threatened Species. These species are categorized
based on their extinction risk, including Critically Endangered (CR),
Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), and Near Threatened (NT).
In recent years, endangered bird species in Hong Kong have faced challenges such as habitat loss, posing significant threats to their survival and pushing them towards the risk of extinction.
HKBWS will organize the first Flag Day on streets in the New Territories on 21 August 2024 (Wed). The theme of the Flag Day is "Bird Guardians, Assemble!" and we sincerely invite everyone to join us in raising funds to protect endangered bird species in Hong Kong. All donations will be used to support our bird and habitat conservation work.
Your support is important to us to carry on our work to safeguard Hong Kong's birds and their habitats through education, scientific research, habitat management, and advocacy for conservation policies.
Your donations can prevent the extinction of endangered species and protect them from further endangerment! Join us now as a Bird Guardian.
Individuals and organizations are welcome to register as Flag Day volunteers. A flag sheet featuring endangered bird species and a certificate will be given upon completion of the Flag Day.
Click here to know more about HKBWS Flag Day 2024.
【捐助成為瀕友仔 Donate to become a Bird Guardian】
Donate the specified amount to receive a
Gold Flag or the Bird Guardian set as a reward!
Limited quantity
while stocks last. Photos are for reference only.
【滿指定籌款額 換黃胸鵐限定套裝 Become a Fundraising Ambassador】
- 籌款達港幣1,500元或以上,可獲贈黃胸鵐限定套裝一份(包括全球極度瀕危黃胸鵐金屬襟章一個、香港瀕危雀鳥款膠帶一卷、燙金和紙金旗一張)。
Create your own Online Flag Bag and become a Fundraising Ambassador to fundraise from your friends and family anytime, anywhere through social media platforms or instant messaging apps.
- Raise HK$1,500 or more: receive an exclusive Yellow-breasted Bunting reward package. The package includes a metal pin featuring the critically endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting, a masking tape featuring endangered bird species, and an A4 full-page Gold Flag of specially designed stickers featuring endangered bird species in Hong Kong.
【解鎖鑽石級 親身體驗保育工作 Experience Bird Conservation Work】
單次捐款滿港幣 15,000元 或以上成為「鑽石級瀕友」,在鳥類研究員的帶領下考察,親身參與及體驗鳥類研究,深入了解鳥類保育工作。
Make a one-off donation of HK$15,000 or above to become a “Senior" bird guardian and have the opportunity to participate in bird conservation work. Under the guidance of bird researchers, you will gain an in-depth understanding of bird conservation works.
內容 Content:
- 親身參與及體驗鳥類研究工作 Have first-hand experience in conducting bird study
- 掌握辨識鳥類技巧 Train up bird identification skills
- 認識鳥類生態及其生境 Recognize the association between bird ecology and their habitats
- 認識香港候鳥 Learn about Hong Kong's migratory birds
- 了解鳥類研究方法 Understand bird study methodologies
Click here for
more details.
香港觀鳥會賣旗日 HKBWS Flag Day
賣旗日詳情 Flag Day Details
日期 | 2024年8月21日(星期三)*
地點 |
時間 | 上午7時正至下午12時30分
Date | 21st August 2024 (Wed)*
Region | New
Including but not limited to Sha Tin District, Tai
Wai District, Kwai Chung District, Tsuen Wan District, Tai Po
District, Yuen Long District, Tuen Mun District, and North
Time | 7:00AM to 12:30PM
旗紙設計 Flag Sticker Design
- 由台灣設計師 鳥事 Birds' 繪畫16款香港瀕危雀鳥
*Photos are for reference only.
The Director of Social Welfare has given
approval to three organisations to sell flags in Hong Kong Island
region, Kowloon region and the New Territories region respectively
on 21 August 2024 and HKBWS is authorised to conduct flag sale in
New Territories region on that day.
Public Subscription Permit No. FD/R036/2024
- 全球極度瀕危青頭潛鴨布袋一個
- One tote bag featuring the Critically Endangered Baer's Pochard
- 全球易危白肩鵰印花散紙包一個
- One zipper bag featuring the Vulnerable Eastern Imperial Eagle
- 香港瀕危雀鳥和紙膠帶一卷
- One masking tape featuring endangered bird species
- 特別版燙金和紙金旗一張
- One A4 full-page Gold Flag of specially designed stickers featuring endangered bird species in Hong Kong
Under the guidance of bird researchers,
- 親身參與及體驗鳥類研究工作 Have first-hand experience in conducting bird study
- 掌握辨識鳥類技巧 Train up bird identification skills
- 認識鳥類生態及其生境 Recognize the association between bird ecology and their habitats
- 認識香港候鳥 Learn about Hong Kong's migratory birds
- 了解鳥類研究方法 Understand bird study methodologies
See all activity621捐款詳情 Details
捐款步驟如下 Steps to make a donation:
一、選擇捐款金額 Choose the donation amount
1.於捐款頁面右邊點選「捐款 SUPPORT」橙色按鈕
Click the orange
‘SUPPORT’ button on the right side of the web page.
2. 於「Your shipping location」選擇寄送地區
Select your shipping location (*limited to Hong Kong)
under "Your shipping location".
3. 於「Choose your
Choose your
desired donation amount under "Choose your
perks" and click the green
"Add" button.
*您亦可自訂捐款金額 You can also
enter a custom donation amount.
4. 如選擇親身自取瀕友套裝,剔選「Pickup
If you wish to
pick up the Bird Guardian set in person, select "Pickup
in-person" and click "Continue".
you wish to collect the Bird Guardian by delivery, click
"Continue ".
二、填寫付款資料 Fill in the payment details
1. 填寫姓名、電郵、備註 (如有),於「Attribute your contribution」選擇您希望捐款的線上旗袋
Provide your name, email, and any additional message (if applicable).
2. 如你已細閱並同意「收集個人資料聲明」條款,請剔選下方方格「I affirm the
If you read and agreed to the terms of the
“Personal Information Collection Statement”, select “I affirm
the above”.
3. 結帳頁最底部「Cover fees for the cause
I'll opt out」
At the bottom of the checkout page, you
will see an item "Cover fees for the cause
(optional)". If you wish to donate the handling fee for
HKBWS, click "Continue". If you choose not
to donate the handling fee, click "Change"
and then select "No, I'll opt out".
4. 系統將自動計算郵費(如有),確認金額無誤後,點選「Continue」
system will automatically calculate the postage (if applicable). If
you have confirmed the amount is correct, click
"Continue" to proceed.
5. 填寫郵寄資料 (如有)及捐款收據姓名後,點選「Continue」
Fill in the
shipping information (if applicable) and the donation receipt name,
then click "Continue" to proceed.
6. 輸入信用卡資料後,點選「Pay now」
After entering your
payment information and donation receipt name, click "Pay now".
送貨安排 Delivery arrangements:
1. 親臨本會辦公室自取 (無須額外運費!)
Pick up at our office (No extra delivery fee!)
We will notify
you via email to collect the rewards at our office within four
to eight weeks after the Flag Day event (21 August 2024).
地址 Address:
- 香港九龍荔枝角青山道532號偉基大廈7樓C室 (荔枝角站B1出口)
- 7C, V Ga Building, 532 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon (Near Lai Chi Kok Station Exit B1)
開放時間 Opening hours:
- 星期一至星期五:上午9:30 - 下午1:30、下午2:30 - 下午5:30
- Mon - Fri: 9:30am - 1:30pm; 2:30pm - 5:30pm
- 星期六 (每個月的第一及第三個星期六開放):上午9:30 - 下午1:00
- Every 1st & 3rd Sat each month: 9:30am - 1:00pm
- 星期日及公眾假期休息 Close on Sundays and public holidays
2. 順豐速運 (只限香港地區)
SF-express (Hong Kong only)
We will ship the reward
package within four to eight weeks after the Flag Day event (21
August 2024).
一、自取服務 Self Pickup
您可選擇於全港18區任何一間順豐站、順豐自助櫃、順豐合作點取貨。為確保包裹順利寄達,請於填寫付款資料時,於「Shipping address
You can choose to pick up your order at any S.F. Stores,
S.F. Locker,
SF Service
Partner Locations in Hong Kong. Please provide your self-pickup
address and corresponding code in the "Shipping address"
field when filling out your payment details to ensure smooth delivery.
二、快遞服務 Door-to-Door Delivery
您可選擇寄送包裹至指定地址,請於填寫付款資料時,於「Shipping address 」一欄填上地址。
You can
choose to deliver the package to a specified address. Please provide
the address in the "Shipping address" field when filling out
your payment details.
捐款收據 Donation receipts
單次捐款港幣 100 元或以上可獲發電子捐款收據,所有收據將於2024年11月31日或之前電郵至捐款人。為了確保能順利收取電子捐款收據,請準確填寫捐款收據姓名及電郵地址。
All tax deductible e-receipts for donation of HK$100 or above will be emailed to the donor. All receipts will be prepared before 31 November 2024. Please provide the correct donation receipt name and email address to receive electronic donation receipts.
*所有捐款都不設退還,並用於支持香港觀鳥會的保育工作。 All donations are non-refundable and will be used to support the conservation work of HKBWS.
網上旗袋 Online Flag Bag
Become a Fundraising Ambassador
Create your own
Online Flag Bag and become a Fundraising Ambassador to fundraise from
your friends and family anytime, anywhere through social media
platforms or instant messaging apps.
- 籌款達港幣1,500元或以上,可獲贈黃胸鵐限定套裝一份(包括全球極度瀕危黃胸鵐金屬襟章一個、香港瀕危雀鳥款和紙膠帶一卷、燙金和紙金旗一張)。
- Raise HK$1,500 or more: receive an exclusive Yellow-breasted Bunting reward package. The package includes a metal pin featuring the critically endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting, a masking tape featuring endangered bird species, and an A4 full-page Gold Flag stickers featuring endangered bird species in Hong Kong.
設立步驟如下 Setup Steps:
1. 以Facebook / LinkedIn / Google登入 或 登記一個帳號
Sign in with
Facebook / LinkedIn / Google account or register a new account.
2.於捐款頁面右邊點選「網上旗袋 Online Flag Bag」紫色按鈕
Click the purple ‘Online
Flag Bag’ button on the right side of the web page.
3. 點選「Continue」 Click "Continue ".
4. (選填) 於「Your personal message」自訂你的募捐呼籲 ,以及於「Your personal
goal」訂立你的籌款目標,完成後點選「Continue (繼續)」
(Optional) Customize your
fundraising appeal in the "Your personal message" and set
your fundraising goal in the "Your personal goal" then click
"Continue" to proceed.
5. (選填) 於「Team name and picture (optional)」、「Add a
title」、「Goal」更改您籌款專頁的名稱、頭像、標題及金額目標,完成後點選「Save &
(Optional) Edit your Team name and picture, title,goal
and location then click "Save & Continue" to proceed.
6. (選填) 於「Picture」上傳您的網上旗袋專頁相片,以及於「Project story」分享你的籌款故事,完成後點選「Save
& Continue」
(Optional) Upload your cover picture to represent
your project and your story then click "Save & Continue"
to proceed.
7. 按「Review your campaign」查看您的網上旗袋專頁頁面
Click "Review your
campaign" to proceed.
分享您的網上旗袋 Share you Online Flag Bag:
Click the orange button on your online Flag Bag campaign page to share it with your friends and family through social media or a link.
Related fundraisers for our cause
- 全球極度瀕危青頭潛鴨布袋一個
- One tote bag featuring the Critically Endangered Baer's Pochard
- 全球易危白肩鵰印花散紙包一個
- One zipper bag featuring the Vulnerable Eastern Imperial Eagle
- 香港瀕危雀鳥和紙膠帶一卷
- One masking tape featuring endangered bird species
- 特別版燙金和紙金旗一張
- One A4 full-page Gold Flag of specially designed stickers featuring endangered bird species in Hong Kong
Under the guidance of bird researchers,
- 親身參與及體驗鳥類研究工作 Have first-hand experience in conducting bird study
- 掌握辨識鳥類技巧 Train up bird identification skills
- 認識鳥類生態及其生境 Recognize the association between bird ecology and their habitats
- 認識香港候鳥 Learn about Hong Kong's migratory birds
- 了解鳥類研究方法 Understand bird study methodologies
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Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Take a minute or two to record one now. Record a short video message of support. Or upload one from your device. You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
Nothing grabs attention for your cause like a personal video. Upload a short video message of support. Upload a short video message of support. Or record one right now.
- Most effective video length: about a minute.
- Maximum length: 5 min.
- You can preview or redo your video before you post it.
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Use your endorsement banner to tell why our cause matters to you. Such personal endorsements are proven to increase campaign contributions. When enabled, your endorsement banner appears at the top of the campaign for everyone who visits a link you shared.
You can always adjust your endorsement from the campaign Share page—even if it's been disabled.
Your message
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Short personal videos by supporters like you are incredibly powerful. Record one right now and you'll help us raise more money. Easy, optional, effective.
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