HSBC is fundraising for Plastic Free Seas at EIP Charity Football 6s 2024
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with Plastic Free Seas and ImpactHK. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
HSBC is fundraising for IMPACTHK at EIP Charity Football 6s 2024
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with ImpactHK and Plastic Free Seas. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
Pardon My French is fundraising for ImpactHK at EIP Charity Football 6s 2024
by Pardon My French
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with ImpactHK and Plastic Free Seas. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
Pardon My French is fundraising for Plastic Free Seas at EIP Charity Football 6s
by Pardon My French
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with Plastic Free Seas and ImpactHK. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
Jungle Jefferies is fundraising for Plastic Free Seas at EIP Charity Football 6s
by Jefferies
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with Plastic Free Seas and ImpactHK. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
媚姨正為香港觀鳥會籌款,祈求全球數字不到300隻勺嘴鷸唔好滅絕。 Spoon-billed Sandpiper pls don't go extinct
by 勺嘴鷸唔好死 Spoon-billed Sandpipers Don't Go Extinct
讓瀕危雀鳥不再瀕危香港面積雖小,卻擁有豐富的生境,是許多全球瀕危雀鳥物種的重要棲息地。香港有紀錄的578種野生鳥類中,有66種列為世界自然保護聯盟(IUCN)《瀕危物種紅色名錄》的受脅物種,物種按絕種威脅劃分,包括極危(CR)、瀕危(EN)、易危(VU)及近危(NT)四種瀕危級別。 近年香港瀕危雀鳥面對棲息地喪失等問題,生存空間受到極大威脅,面臨滅絕風險。 我們需要您支持香港觀鳥會的保育工作,攜手幫助更多本地瀕危雀鳥,讓香港觀鳥會繼續透過教育、科研、生境管理與保育政策倡議,保育香港鳥類...
Millennium is fundraising for ImpactHK at EIP Charity Football 6s 2024
by Millennium
This is the 4th year EIP has chosen to work with ImpactHK and Plastic Free Seas. The event this year is a charity football tournament where 12 teams of 6 players battle it out in preliminary group games followed by a knockout Cup and Plate competition....
鳥不起 | MTR's Student Race | Hong Kong Bird Watching Day 2023
by 鳥不起
鳥不起是由五位初接觸觀鳥的中五同學組成,將參加這年11月25日的觀鳥比賽,並為香港觀鳥會籌款,希望大家多多支持這班年輕人。 鳥不起is a group of 5 bird-watching beginners who will be competing in the Inter-School Bird Race on 25 Nov. They are also raising fund for Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. Please support them!